Assessments and Targets

At BrainField, the assessment criteria are structured to ensure a thorough and continuous evaluation of students’ academic progress through both formative and summative assessments.

Formative Assessment (40% of Overall Performance)

Formative assessments are ongoing and designed to monitor students’ learning throughout the academic year. This continuous assessment comprises several components:


Class Participation:


Regular engagement in online discussions, forums, and live sessions.


Homework and Classwork:


Timely submission and quality of assignments and daily classwork.




Consistent attendance in online classes, showing commitment to the course.




Frequent short quizzes to assess understanding of recent topics.




Involvement in small-scale projects that apply course concepts in practical scenarios.


Monthly Assessments:


These are conducted at the end of each month to review the learned course material, ensuring students are keeping up with the curriculum.



All these components collectively contribute to the formative assessment score, accounting for 40% of the overall performance. This approach helps in identifying areas where students may need additional support and allows for timely interventions.


Summative Assessment (60% of Overall Performance)


Summative assessments are conducted at the end of a term or academic year and are designed to evaluate the cumulative knowledge and skills acquired by the students. This category includes:


Mid-term Exams: Detailed tests that assess a broad spectrum of knowledge and skills from the entire course.


Final Exams:


Comprehensive exams covering all material taught during the term.


Summative assessments contribute 60% to the overall performance marks. They provide a clear measure of students’ understanding and mastery of the course

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