Frequently Asked Questions


Please complete a contact form at the following link and one of our team will get back to you:


For more information on our fee structure please visit the payment section:
School Payments

For payment procedure please refer to the school payment section

School Payments

No financial support is being offered by the school at the moment

Exams and Assessments

No, you can take term exams from your home. Exams and assessments are held online at the Brainfield school.

We offer Cambridge curriculum at the Brainfield school. For specific information regarding subjects and content offered please visit the curriculum section.

Our school qualifications are recognized and accepted in Pakistan and worldwide, allowing our graduates to pursue further education and career opportunities internationally.


Online schooling with Brainfield includes a complete interactive School. Using our specialised online learning platform, Brainfield is accessible to learners wherever they are in the world. We provide students with everything they would expect from a traditional schooling environment, plus a whole lot more.

Brainfield school caters to students starting from age 3 in our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and educates students all the way through to O levels.

To apply to our school, the following entry requirements must be met:

  1. Online Application Form: An online form must be completed and submitted along with the necessary documents.
  2. Entry Test: An entry test will be arranged for applicants.
  3. Entrance Exam: There will be a written and oral entrance exam of core subjects lasting for 60 minutes.

There will be a written and oral entrance exam of core subjects lasting for 60 minutes.

At Brainfield we support and encourage socialising with other students through social events, competitions and various classroom activities. The Student voice is important to us so we seek feedback from students regularly in class to understand and assess their learning. We also have opportunities for interactive and group work in online classes and use breakout rooms for this purpose.

Students are recommended to join at the start of the session to follow up easily. However, in some cases, students are enrolled in the middle of the session after taking assessment tests.

Admissions at the Brainfield school are open for the academic session 2024-2025

Students cannot study subjects across year groups. Our students follow a set timetable similar to any physical school, and studying across different grades may result in schedule conflicts for subjects’ times and days.

It is possible to access the learning resources already covered in the lessons earlier in the term through our LMS platform. Students would need to plan to do this in and around their attendance at timetabled lessons.

One of the many benefits of learning with Brainfield is the way it allows teachers to deliver tailored education to all learners. Traditional classrooms can be unpredictable in their nature, which is not the case with Brainfield’s online classrooms. In a mainstream school setting, students who miss lessons due to hospital or doctor’s appointments may find it difficult to catch-up, causing them to fall behind. At Brainfield all lesson activities are archived on our LMS, enabling them to catch-up at any point. Plus, students can also ask for support hour after school hours for additional help from teachers if needed.

Yes, you can observe classes and book your trial class in advance.

Teaching and Learning

Our school has set firm boundaries for students who require disciplinary action. Every classroom in Brainfied maintains and applies effective classroom management strategies to ensure a disciplined class. Moreover, The teacher can restrict student access to general chat, private chat, microphone access and indeed the classroom itself (as a last resort). Students are aware of these controls and therefore respond to these firm boundaries.

At Brainfield School, We observe learners’ progress through ongoing formative assessments. Monthly revision tests are conducted to monitor progress, and formal half-yearly examinations are held twice a year to assess students’ achievements. Additionally, on a micro level, day-to-day progress is assessed through classroom participation and task submission evaluations.

Brainfield online school offers various supports for dyslexic or ADHD students, including:

  1. Flexible Scheduling: Adjustments to deadlines and pacing to accommodate different learning speeds and focus levels.
  2. Personalized Attention: Students can request One-on-one support from teachers during support hour to address individual challenges.
  3. Interactive and Engaging Content: Materials designed to maintain interest and facilitate better engagement.
  4. Regular Check-ins: Frequent communication and feedback from teachers to monitor progress and adjust support as needed.
  5. Counseling and Support Services: Access to educational counselors or support services for additional guidance and strategies.

A students booklist for every grade is available on the website. Once opened, the guardian will see there are books listed in red which are essential to buy (only if school recommend), and then also books listed in black, which are optional to buy but are available for online learning in digital form on our LMS platform.

If students do not attend the live classes according to the timetable, they may fall behind and struggle to catch up. However, in cases where students miss few classes due to genuine reasons, they can catch up through the Learning Management System (LMS) and request help during support hour sessions.

There are 4 units in a day, totaling 24 units per week. The number of units per week can vary depending on the subject.

In our school teachers follow a homework schedule where the teacher of core subjects can only give homework twice a week following the timetable. Moreover, for other subjects such as ICT and Islamic studies homework is given only once a week.

There are lots of tools that teachers can utilize to differentiate for example, breakout rooms and instant marking quizzes. Our expert and experienced online teachers utilize a range of teaching methods within their lessons for differentiated learning.

All lessons are live.  Classes are streamed live by specialist teachers to students at scheduled times. Students interact with the teacher either by microphone or in our live classroom chat.

Attendance in lessons are highly recommended but there is the option to use recordings contents of the lessons through the LMS to undertake your studies. The expectation for a timetable agreed with parents is that the student attends all the parent has signed them up for.

Certain subjects have additional support classes on a weekly basis (if required), e.g. English, Maths and Science. Teachers can also respond to email enquiries during school hours.

In cases where students miss classes due to genuine reasons, they can catch up through the Learning Management System (LMS), where they can find all the contents of their missed lessons. Additionally, students can request help during support hour sessions.
Students will be with the same classmates weekly, so will naturally come to know each other. With parental consent, students can also sign up to our social media platform, where they can interact in a more relaxed setting. We also hold activities throughout the academic year, which helps students to improve their social skills
Our live online classes are held in Brainfield on Microsoft TEAMS whereas all other academic activities are done on our LMS, which allows us to provide a virtual classroom environment for our students.
An Brainfield term is the same as standard international school academic term, which is usually around 12 Months. We closely follow the international school calendar of 35 weeks, although some half-term breaks can be different:
Each subject has 2 hours of lessons per week – one lead lesson and two follow lessons each 40 minutes in length. Typically students would attend 3 or 4 lessons a day, including a tutor group and an exercise time.
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